Valerie D.

Valerie D.

Spirituality & Tarot

23 stories

A psychic has tarot cards fanned out in front of her as she examines the one in her hand
Image of cartoon tarot reader holding one card in hand with three more cards spread on the table in front of her
Neon sign reads “Psychic $10 Tarot Card Reader“ with moon and stars graphics and a picture of crystal ball
Valerie D.

Valerie D.


14 stories

A conference name tag reads: Hello, my name is Mr. Wrong
An image of the prohibit sign with a battery in the center
Clipart image of a character dressed as royalty, preparing to place a happy-face mask on, the words “Impostor Syndrome” typed below
Valerie D.

Valerie D.

Thought Piece

No stories

Valerie D.

Valerie D.

Every year I poke my head outside my comfort zone and then I pull it right back. This is me poking - deciding what to share.