Weekly Tarot Reading: Thinking long & hard before making a commitment

Valerie D.
Feb 8, 2022


A neon sign reads Tarot Readings, Luck, Love & Money
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What’s going on: you’re trying to solidify your position in a partnership and develop into a long-term connection. You’ve initiated contact and are awaiting feedback or selection.

What is it you don’t see: there is interest, externally, which wants to take a chance on pursuing this relationship. There will be a message, received electronically, to express interest in progressing forward.

Advice: Focus on one subject at a time before expanding to the next task. Use the tools and resources available to you to triumph in this task. Establish yourself as reliable and consistent and your external relationships will recognize they’ve made the right decision by moving forward with you.

YouTube Video for the weekly reading, as well as other 18+, zodiac, nearly personal, readings, and love readings also available



Valerie D.

Every year I poke my head outside my comfort zone and then I pull it right back. This is me poking - deciding what to share.